Friday, December 03, 2010

Thanksgiving, the Real Story

What is the story we usually hear?
Indians saved Pilgrims and they had a party to thank Indians
          Liberals say the common story is a lie, it was very different
          Conservatives say the common story is a lie, it was very different
          It all comes down to interpretation of VERY LIMITED facts

What is the real story?
          First thanksgiving: 1541—Francisco Coronado upon finding food and H2O in FL
          First English thanksgiving: 1607 at English Fort on river in Maine before abandoned it
First annual thanksgiving: Berkeley Plantation in VA, Dec 4 1619, as day to THANK GOD for safe travel to New Land (lasted 3 years, colony then gone)
Puritans had more than one thanksgiving—and probably just Puritans, not “Pilgrims”, at most just “pilgrims” as in those traveling on a journey aka book of Hebrews, this life is a journey
*        Arrived around Nov 21st 1620 at where would eventually settle
*        Not off ship totally until February 1621, by March 1621 only 47 of 102 lived
*        Scavenged stored beans and corn from Indians—seed corn (would have died w/o)
o   Not saved by Indians when first landed, scavenged from wiped out settlement, and buried items
o   Repaid in full those who they could, later when they could
o   These scavenged supplies were what they planted and thanked God for in 1621
*        Not saved by Indians
o   Squanto, former slave recently returned to US, helped with his knowledge of area especially fertilizer of herrings and N American vegetables
o   Massasoit (of Wampanoag Tribe) sort of friend
o   But not saving Puritans, Puritans not the only Europeans around
*        Harvest of scavenged seed in September 1621 was so great, gave thanks, invited friends
o   Friend Massasoit brought family of almost 90 people including Squanto
o   Massasoit most likely had Squanto killed, believed Squanto “betrayed” them to English
o   This celebration was inviting them to party with them as a result of Puritan’s great harvest, not Indians giving food to Puritans so they survive.
o   Could already hunt, fish, and build shelters all on their own—many other foods available, eels, lobster, mussels, many fruits and herbs.
o   Majority of what Indians gave them was in BARTER not gifts
*        “thanksgiving” not mentioned formally until 1623—before was feast to celebrate like always did back home, just not formal day/declaration
o   This was thanks for capitalism and end of socialism in their midst
*        June 1676—after defeating Wampanoag who broke treaty first, King Phillips War (King Phillip of Wampanoag aka Metacomet, Massasoit’s 2nd son) , another thanksgiving (treaty provided for justice to be served by whoever was wronged, Native or English, and English punished Indian murderer with Indians on jury, Indians start skirmishes that grew to war).
          Purpose of “thanksgiving”—a special service of thankfulness to God
Our holiday
*        annually proclaimed by some Presidents as last Thursday
*        initially by Washington to celebrate over winning Revolutionary War
*        not until Lincoln in 1863 was made annual on last Thursday—heal from civil war
*        Each year still had to be declared national holiday
*        1939 FDR made it 4th of 5 weeks, to make holiday shopping longer
*        1940-41 3rd week to include longer shopping again
*        1942 onward—Congress made permanent 4th week, whether last or 2nd to last date
*        Every year, less about giving thanks and more about everything else
o   What else do we “celebrate”
§  Football
§  Overeating
§  Parades
o   Do I enjoy these, yes, are these the REASON? NO!

Why does it matter?
          Politicians co-opted for political reasons—unity, shopping, votes
Historians slant for political reasons—not God but “Native Americans”, not thanks to God but friendship, etc.….
          Christians should affirm truth for religious reasons
                   Puritans were largely self-sufficient (including supply shipments)
                   Indians were helpful neighbors but not “saviors”
                   God provided, not Indians provided

          What does this mean for us?—think about it
          Tonight—practicing the art of thankfulness
                   3 things you are thankful for
                   3 people you need to tell thank you
                   3 things you should thank God for

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