Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina, Katrina, Katrina...

It is said over and over that in this age of the 24 hour news cycle, with there never being a non-news moment, images and topics are repeated and sometimes repeated to the point of numbness. New Orleans is suffering immensely, yet many will begin to turn off their televisions, to stop producing special reports, and moving along to other issues. With confirmation hearings for Judge Roberts looming, there will be many opportunities for those who have had their "fix" to move on, and New Orleans, and it's people, will be the ones to suffer. Al Mohler does well to remind us that God does have a plan and that He is a loving God who is smiling upon us, and even in this tragedy for the city of New Orleans, He is still with them, and will care for His children. It can however become easy to move beyond for the rest of us. Dr. Mohler had on his page a link to a video on, and if you haven't seen it, it is the perfect reminder that the tragedy in New Orleans is about the people and their plight. Don't let the media's over-saturation of the current situation numb your response to the needs of those on the Gulf coast. People around the nation are worrying even now if their friends and family made it out alive, and each one of us can be a source of strength and encouragement to those hurting around us in addition to helping as much as we are able with the needs of those on the coast as well.

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